“The Love Witch” is a horror-comedy that was released just last year. The most captivating aspect about the movie is that it seems like it was filmed and released back in the 60s. As I began watching, I started to wonder if the film was supposed to take place in current times or from a few decades ago. It wasn’t until DNA testing was mentioned, when I knew it couldn’t have taken place in the 60s or 70s. But I really love the vintage vibe.


The main character, Elaine, is such an enchanting character that you really want to like her when you know that you shouldn’t. Elaine is witchcraft practitioner who uses spells and whatnot to find true love. However, her spells work too well, and she ends up somehow killing every man who falls for her.


This film is not exactly a ha-ha comedy, although some parts will make you laugh, don’t expect to be smiling the entire time. It’s also not your typical horror film; there are a few graphic scenes, but nothing that will give you nightmares. The film mixes a bit of comedy and a bit of horror to create its own unique genre.


The 2-hour film takes it time to tell the story without rushing everything so you don’t miss a single detail. (Another characteristic of old films – not too fast-paced.) The plot line is quite interesting, but it would be nothing without the remarkable film style that makes you feel like you have truly entered another world.


Because the movie revolves around witchcraft, there is also a great emphasis on the medieval and Victorian eras. I absolutely adored the makeup, costumes, and scenery setup. This film is a piece of art.


Overall rating: 5/5 stars

3 responses to “Film Review: The Love Witch”

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  2. […] that’s a toughie! I seem to be most proud of my film/book reviews. My film review for “The Love Witch” holds a special place in my heart because that was where it all began — little did I […]


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